7 Myths About Engagement Rings That You Believed Were True

7 Myths About Engagement Rings That You Believed Were True

Engagement rings in Chicago are both an emotional and financial investment. Given the gravity of this purchase, it’s no surprise that you’d want to get it right the first time. 

Given that a proposal is part of your future plans, there’s a chance you’ve already gathered information about engagement rings. There’s no shortage of ideas out there, from rules regarding budget, their best size, and ideal shape.  

Chances are, however, these ideas include stowaway notions that evolved into myths as time passed. 

The following are common engagement ring myths and what the truth about them actually is:

Myth #1: Size Matters 

Growing up, you probably believed in the notion that bigger things are worth more. From toys, gifts to food portions, the value of most things depends on their size. 

However, when it comes to diamonds, it’s important to remember that their overall value doesn’t entirely depend on how immense the stone is. Although size is still an essential factor, the other Cs that together with carat make up the 4Cs, namely clarity, cut, and color, are equally important. 

More than the carat size, you should be eyeing a ring that complements your partner’s wider fingers, for instance, or both your lifestyles, among others,   

Myth #2: Engagement Rings Need to Be A Surprise 

How can you make sure that the engagement ring perfectly fits your significant other then? By shopping together, of course! 

While surprise proposals are without a doubt a dream for any lady, it’s equally important to ensure that your significant other gets to wear the size and style of ring she likes. After all, she’d fashion it only for the rest of her life, so the room for error should be slim to none. 

If you’re still after the surprise factor, a surprise proposal using a stand-in ring is always an option. Before you pop the question, an appointment with your trusted jeweler should already be made.  

Myth #3: Engagement Rings Need to Be Worth Your Three Month’s Salary

There’s a degree of truth to the belief that every engagement proposal should involve an undeniable display of commitment and seriousness of intent. The occasion doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg, though. 

Purchasing an engagement ring that is worth your three month’s salary isn’t just impractical. Economic reasons aside, it also isn’t a guarantee of a happy and successful marriage. 

A visit to your jeweler should introduce you to engagement rings of different sizes, shapes, and price tags. It’s best to opt for a ring that is well within your personal budget. The last thing you want to do is sell your house or go bankrupt in the process of trying to impress your would-be-bride. That’s the worst possible start for any marriage.   

Myth #4: Traditional Round Diamond Rings Are The Best

When it comes to engagement rings, brilliantly-cut round diamonds usually come to mind. After all, round is one of the most popular diamond shapes that even ring emojis are depicted that way.  

It doesn’t mean you have to go with the norm. There are way too many other options that will work better for you. Fancy diamond shapes in engagement rings have become the trend as of late. 

Whether you fancy an oval-shaped diamond that elongates the fingers, emerald-cut ones that scream elegance, or pear-shaped diamonds that appear to be larger, it’s always better to have options available to choose from. 

When you factor in your partner’s personality, nature, and even built, you’ll agree that traditional round diamond engagement rings aren’t always best.   

Myth #5: The Diamond Should Be Colorless Without Inclusions

Perhaps the most significant decision that comes with every engagement ring has something to do with the diamond itself. It follows that the flurry of misconceptions goes with it too. 

Probably, the biggest of all is the one that says the diamond in the engagement ring should remain colorless and without any inclusions. This is the case traditionally, but at present, more and more brides are opting for more unique options that may be unconventional but serve their purpose nonetheless. 

You can always refer back to the 4Cs — the diamond’s clarity, color, cut, and carat weight. But take care not to obsess too much on all of them. You don’t want to spend more time than what’s necessary, only to end up not getting what you really want, which is the engagement ring of your dreams. 

Myth #6: Only Diamonds Count

Again, tradition dictates that a diamond is what constitutes a “proper” engagement ring. Though they remain the most popular stone of choice in this life milestone, it’s no longer uncommon for brides-to-be to look for other options.  They intentionally veer away from incorporating diamonds in their engagement ring, seeing them as nothing more than a commercialized trend. Others are doing so for economic reasons. Obviously, other gemstones like ruby or sapphire prove to be more affordable than a glitzy diamond yet feel more comfortable and look better when worn.  

Whatever the reason, your engagement ring should primarily fit your specifications and showcase your unique personal style, hence look pretty much any way you want it to.        

Myth #7: Your Jeweler Knows Best

Ideally, you should visit your jeweler as a couple to see all available engagement ring options for yourself and be informed of everything that is there to know. 

Although reputable jewelers are knowledgeable with every detail of an engagement ring, their expertise only covers the technical aspect, such as details about the 4Cs, the setting’s durability and craftsmanship, or even price comparisons. 

But, you can’t expect them to pick the perfect ring for you. After all, they’re not your fiancé-to-be. Only she, and ideally you, can determine the ring that suits her best. 

The rule of thumb is, if your jeweler starts telling you specifically which ring to get, do yourself a favor and run.  

If there’s one thing that is looked at with such high regard anywhere in the world, it’s tradition. There are not many things that are linked with tradition more than engagement rings. With this tradition comes a rather long list of myths that many believed and passed down through generations. 

Hopefully, this list covered some of these misconceived notions, together with the explanation as to why they are simply not true. 



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